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Hull's Own Air Force Station by Len Bacon: This is one of the most detailed works I have ever come across in recent times featuring the history of 

a local RAF Station and Hull Balloon Barrage No.17 Balloon Centre / RAF Sutton on Hull and No's 942, 943,944 and from 1942 No.942/3 Balloon 

Squadrons. It is a unique booklet and consists of 70 pages, maps, information with some 50 photographs covering the existence of the station from 

1939 to 1961. The work of the Balloon Barrage and equipment has been dealt with in a separate chapter. This booklet has been written, designed 

and privately printed. Len aimed to sell the booklet to raise finds to purchase a suitable plaque to mark the actual site of R.A.F. Station Sutton on 

Hull. Personally I found it excellent to read. This clearly has taken a long time to research and write up. 

The author with his book, Len in this picture is investigating an old balloon anchorage

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