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                Arthur Goldsmith Airman 1st Class, 2nd Balloon Squadron (part of the 7th Balloon Wing).             Part 5

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                                             These photos – perhaps from the mid-1940s? - show Arthur’s continuing enthusiasm for allotment gardening.




                                This is, I think, the earlieast photo I have found of Emma (with Maurice and two unidentifed women). Perhaps it’s from about 1948


dad,, emma and unknown.jpg


1953 b.jpg 1953.jpg

1953 (Arthur is with Maurice and his grandson Terry)



Margery and Tom wedding.jpg





Margery’s wedding, 1954


                              The woman standing next to Arthur looks so similar to Tom she must surely be his mother, and perhaps the other two

                            unnamed women are also his relatives.


Arthur & Emma.jpg

Around 1956


          Emma died in 1957, and Arthur lived for a time with Alf and Norah and with Evelyn and Wally and, very briefly, Maurice and Eva.

          His death in December 1970 was registered in Croydon, Greater London. This is where Margery was living at the time

          (104 Grange Road, South Croydon), and I think he lived with her at the very end of his life.







          This photo was taken in summer (late July, maybe) in 1969 in the back garden of 57 Deancroft Crescent, Hillingdon , Middlesex:  I seem to remember that


          Margery came with him, though I don’t think she can have stayed as there would have been no room. Terry tells me that Maurice didn’t get on well


          with Arthur, but I know they shared a love of gardening. As I think I mentioned, when my parents (Maurice and Eva) went to see granddad in hospital


         just before he died, he was quite confused, but also quite happy, as he thought he was in a garden. It might possibly have been some version of the


         garden above, as he said, “Your roses are looking nice, Maurice.”






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