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1. The Armament of the Cable on Very Low Altitude Barrage Balloons 

            Initial trials of the Double Parachute System showed that two identical sized parachutes deployed on a barrage balloon cable would create a considerable drag on an aircraft that collided with the cable and in most cases would cause a stall from which the aircraft could not recover. The system relied on having two identical heavy duty parachute containers attached to an explosive inertia link that would cut the cable just below the balloon and lower down nearer the winch. It relied entirely on causing the aircraft to stall , damaging fuselage areas and then crash. Such cable collisions must have felt to the occupants of any aircraft colliding with this system like hitting a brick wall.



     Above - The Double Parachute System 



     Above - The Double Parachute System Assembly


Above-The Flying Cable Assembly for Double Parachute System Using Arming Scheme with Double Parachute able Cutter


Above-The Double Parachute Cable Cutting Device



Above -Parts of the Double Parachute Cable Cutting Device

Above -Functioning of the Double Parachute Cable Cutting Device



Click Here to See 2.The Use of Inertia Links on Very Low Altitude Barrage Balloons 



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